Home/Volume-1/Shaft Sinking Volume-1 Shaft Sinking Admin02/08/20240 98 Less than a minute Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 0% Shaft Shinking Shaft Sinking 1 / 19 1. The method of sinking used through any fissured water bearing strata except in running sand is..? pneumatic caisson cementation forced drop piling 2 / 19 2. A permanent lining where running sand is encountered during sinking is..? Cementation piling concrete lining tubbing 3 / 19 3. The method of sinking through loose deposits of sand up to 20m is? piling system open caisson tubbing cementation 4 / 19 4. The process of treating holes with chemicals in cementation method is called..? defreezing silicatisation presilicatisation thawing 5 / 19 5. In freezing method of shaft sinking which is used for circulation? HCl HNO3 CaCl2 NaCl 6 / 19 6. Upward drivage of shaft is carried out for a distance up to ...m? 15 25 35 45 7 / 19 7. The safety device is provided in sinking shaft in case of overwind? spider kibble detaching hook rider 8 / 19 8. In blasting in shaft sinking the number of holes are....times the dia of the shaft in m? 2 3 4 1 9 / 19 9. In cementation method the purpose of treating holes with chemicals-silicate of soda and aluminum sulfate is..? To reduce the friction To seal cracks quick setting of cement none 10 / 19 10. The device used to prevent undue swinging of the bucket in sinking shaft? spider kibble scaffold rider 11 / 19 11. The quantity of ventilating air (cu.m) shall be provided in sinking shaft if depth exceeds 25m? 100 200 300 400 12 / 19 12. The method of sinking in unstable or friable strata with heavy inrush of water? tubbing forced drop cementation method freezing method 13 / 19 13. The method of sinking where there is ground filling problem or considerable inrush of water up to depth of 30m? piling open caisson Pneumatic caisson forced drop 14 / 19 14. The method of sinking through loose deposits of sand up to 60m is? piling open caisson forced drop cementation 15 / 19 15. The method of sinking through alternate loose and tough strata up to 60m? piling open caisson forced drop cementation 16 / 19 16. The starting point of shaft at the ground surface is called..? collar pithead platform scaffold 17 / 19 17. The holes treated with chemicals are called..? treating holes test holes product holes weeping holes 18 / 19 18. Ventilation by mechanical means is provided in sinking shaft exceeding depth of...m? 30 25 40 15 19 / 19 19. In freezing method of sinking the removal of ice wall after completion of sinking by sending hot brine through holes is known as..? defreezing silicatisation postfreezing thawing Your score is The average score is 65% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Admin02/08/20240 98 Less than a minute