
Face Mechanisation-1

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Face Mechanisation

Face Mechanisation-1

1 / 35

1. The drill used for upward drilling normally for wet drilling is?

2 / 35

2. Number of motors in gathering arm loader is?

3 / 35

3. The limiting gradient for the Roadheader is?

4 / 35

4. The output from the continuous miner is?

5 / 35

5. The limiting thickness of the seam for the continuous miner is?

6 / 35

6. The speed of the drill rod in stone with electric coal drill is?

7 / 35

7. The rake angle of the drill rod in electric coal drill is?

8 / 35

8. The weight of the coal drill with steel body?

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9. The weight of the jack hammer is?

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10. The extent of rotation is dependent on the?

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11. Gathering arms are operated in gathering arm loader is?

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12. The efficiency for electric generator is .....but for air compressors it is...?

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13. In continuous miner the cutting unit is driven by a water-cooled motor of?

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14. The electric coal drill is rated?

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15. Limiting gradient for the gathering arm loader is?

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16. The limiting gradient for the continuous miner used in underground is?

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17. The air consumption is ....cu.m per minute of free air in jack hammer?

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18. The cutting unit of continuous miner of borer type the gearing is?

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19. The speed of the motor of an electric rotary coal drill is reduced by?

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20. A cowled fan mounted on the drill and fins on the cover are for the purpose of?

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21. The number of strokes per min in jack hammer is?

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22. The cutting angle of the drill rod in electric coal drill is?

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23. The limiting gradient for the rocker shovel is?

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24. The rate of penetration of the drill bit with electric coal drill is?

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25. Maximum production rate with Roadheader is....cu.m per hour?

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26. The speed of the drill rod in coal with electric coal drill is?

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27. The weight of the coal drill with aluminum body?

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28. The operating voltage of the electric coal drill is?

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29. Output power of the electric coal drill is?

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30. The electric drill is capable of drilling ....holes each 1.5 m depth in 8 hours shift?

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31. The shape of the drill rods used in coal drilling with electric drill is?

32 / 35

32. The daily progress with the Roadheader is?

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33. The daily progress with the continuous miner is?

34 / 35

34. The slewing angle in gathering arm loader is ...horizontally to axis either side?

35 / 35

35. The power is supplied to the coal drill is the?

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