Coal Mining Legislation

Coal Mining Legislation – 7

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Coal Mining Legislation

Coal Mining Legislation - 7

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1. locomotive shall not be used on a road gradient exceeding ____?

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2. If an underground mine is producing 3000 tons per month then the qualification of manager is?

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3. In a roadway conveyor the gap between the conveyor and one side of the roadway; shall not be less than ___

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4. If a mine is abandoned over a period exceeding 60 days, and during this if a change of ownership of mine occurs, the annual returns are to be submitted within ___ days abandonment?

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5. When a manager intends to vacate his office, a notice in writing is to be given at least ____ before the intended date of vacation of his office?

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6. Every tub shall be examined once in at least every

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7. Where there are occupied buildings situated within ___ of any haulage road a substantial fence shall be provided

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8. The owner or manager shall provide suitable residential accommodation for the manager and U/M within a distance of ____ kilometers from all mine openings?

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9. Application for an examination conducted by the board shall be made to the board not less than ____ prior to the examination?

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10. When it is intended to abandoned a mine or seam or to discontinue working for a period exceeding 60 days a notice to Chief Inspector, and Regional Inspector should be given at least ___ days before(Change)

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11. When it is intended to terminate employment of any person the manager shall give notice within ___ from the intended day of such termination?

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12. The road on which trucks or dumper ply, the gradient shall not be steeper than ___

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13. Unless otherwise permitted, in alluvial or coal the sides shall be sloped at an angle of safety not exceeding ___ from horizontal?

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14. No person shall act or be employed as manager unless he is at least of ___ age?

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15. In every mine if the average monthly output exceeds ___ tons, the manager shall be assisted in the work by safety officer?

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16. The owner or manager shall exhibit a notice of any accident occurrence and the findings on the notice board for a period of

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17. In respect of any accident the information in Form-IVA shall be given by manager to R.I. within___ of such accident?

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18. When two tubs are in tandem the gap between them shall not be less than ____

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19. In alluvial soils the height of the bench shall not exceed ____ unless permitted

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20. The haulage rope shall not be used if ___

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21. The haulage track shall be examined once in at least _____?

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22. A bye law shall come into effect after ____ of its publication

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23. As per CMR the retirement age of a person employed in the mine is?

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24. The annual returns are to be submitted on or before ____ date of every year?(Changed)

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25. Where any person contracts any notified disease a notice shall be given within ____ of information on such disease

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26. When any minor accident involves more than _____ persons information is to be sent to the Chief Inspector and Regional Inspector

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27. In a travelling roadway, where the inclination from horizontal exceeds 45° the following is necessary

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28. When it is intended to reopen a mine or a seam after abandonment or discontinuance for a period exceeding 60 days a notice not less than ___ before reopening of mining operation give notice to the Chief Inspector

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29. The new haulage rope should have a Factor Of Safety of at least?

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30. For every meeting of the board not less than ____ of prior notice intimating place and time of the meeting has to be given?

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31. The haulage rope should be discarded if ___

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32. Two or more tubs are deemed to be in close succession as per CMR, when the distance between the two is less than?

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33. No material shall be placed or dumped within atleast ____ from either side of the track of rails?

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34. If a mine working is discontinued over a period exceeding 60 days, and during this if a change of ownership of mine occurs, the annual returns are to be submitted within ___ days of discontinuance?

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35. The statement in respect of responsibilities fixed for an agent shall be submitted within ___

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36. The diameter of the deflection pulley should be at lease ___ times than the rope diameter?

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37. When there takes place a change in the name or ownership of mine or the address of the owner; a notice within ____ from such change shall be given to the Chief Inspector

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38. If a person is appointed as Manager for more than one mine with the previous permission of Chief Inspector, such permission shall have effect for a period of not more than ____?

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39. No person shall be admitted as a candidate at any examination held by the board unless he is ____ of age?

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40. The haulage rope is rendered to be unsafe if

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