Home/Coal Mining Legislation/Coal Mining Legislation – 16 Coal Mining Legislation Coal Mining Legislation – 16 Admin07/08/20240 77 Less than a minute Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 0% Coal Mining Legislation Coal Mining Legislation - 16 1 / 19 1. During non-rainy season inspection of protective measures from inundation shall be checked at least once in every-------- 10 days 30 days 15 days 20 days Coal Mining Legislation 2 / 19 2. Representative samples of dust from every zone shall be collected once in ___on rotation 15 days 25 days 35 days 30 days Coal Mining Legislation 3 / 19 3. Representative samples from a zone shall not be collected in ____hours of treating operations. 20 hours 24 hours 12 hours 30 hours Coal Mining Legislation 4 / 19 4. During strip sampling method the width of strips shall not be more than___ and intervals of strips shall not be more than 05 centimeters & ten meters. 06 centimeters & five meters. 10 centimeters & five meters. 12 centimeters & six meters. Coal Mining Legislation 5 / 19 5. During the rainy season the protective measures for preventing flooding shall be checked once in ___ 14 days & 30 days 12 days & 28 days Both of the above None of the above Coal Mining Legislation 6 / 19 6. No workings shall be made in any mine vertically below any part of any river, canal, lake, tank or other surface reservoir or any spot lying within a horizontal distance of ---meters from either bank of a river etc Ten Twelve Fifty Fifteen Coal Mining Legislation 7 / 19 7. Samples of dust collected from floor are to be collected to a depth not exceeding____. 15 millimeters 5 millimeters 10 millimeters 12 millimeters Coal Mining Legislation 8 / 19 8. where it is intended to carry out any exploratory work in an underground mine, the minimum number of persons that are required to be in the team is Two Three Four Five Coal Mining Legislation 9 / 19 9. When a working approaches any goaf or disused workings within 30 meters a borehole has to be drilled to a distance not less than___ meters in advance of the working. 4.5 meters 2.5 meters 1.0 meters 1.5 meters Coal Mining Legislation 10 / 19 10. When it is intended to reopen an isolated or sealed off or water flooded mine, to deal with a fire or spontaneous heating, a notice shall be given to inspector not less than ___ days before. 06 days 12 days 16 days 14 days Coal Mining Legislation 11 / 19 11. When any working is extended within___ meters of any goaf or disused workings a borehole shall be drilled for checking accumulation of inflammable or noxious gases. 40 meters 30 meters 15 meters 1.5 meters Coal Mining Legislation 12 / 19 12. The zones and sections, with their numbers and code-letters, shall be clearly marked on a sampling plan on a scale having of representative factor of not less than --------. 1/1200 1/1000 1/500 1/1500 Coal Mining Legislation 13 / 19 13. When spot sampling is done in a zone treated with water, the samples collected shall gave an interval of ___ meters collected in a zigzag path. Two Three Four One Coal Mining Legislation 14 / 19 14. In every travelling roadway samples shall be taken at intervals not exceeding --------. Three months Four months Six months Five months Coal Mining Legislation 15 / 19 15. The sample reduced by coning and quartering shall be collected and its weight shall not be less than ---------- 30 grams. 60 grams. 45 grams. 50 grams. Coal Mining Legislation 16 / 19 16. The samples collected and prepared are to be sent to laboratory within__. Six days Seven days Eight days Nine days Coal Mining Legislation 17 / 19 17. Samples of dust collected from roof and sides are to be collected to a depth not exceeding ___. Five millimeters Ten millimeters Six millimeters Eight millimeters Coal Mining Legislation 18 / 19 18. A place in a mine is considered “Naturally wet throughout” if the coal dust in the mine is having moisture not less than___ percent by weight. 30 percent 45 percent 50 percent 60 percent Coal Mining Legislation 19 / 19 19. The entrance (Mouth) of the mine shall be so situated that it is ___ meters above the HFL One One and half Two Two and half Coal Mining Legislation Your score is The average score is 66% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Admin07/08/20240 77 Less than a minute