Coal Mining Legislation

Coal Mining Legislation – 15

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Coal Mining Legislation

Coal Mining Legislation - 14

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1. When a new mechanical ventilator is installed, Standing Orders on evacuation of persons during stoppage of the fan are to be formed within ____ days of the installation,

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2. For any underground mine, air samples and temperature readings shall be taken at least once in ------

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3. While a booster fan is installed, a notice along with the survey results is to be sent to Regional inspector for permission. If a booster fan is shifted from one place to other place instead of new installation, the following shall be applicable.

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4. In a mine of 2nd or 3rd degree the samples collected shall be analysed within ___ days

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5. Main mechanical ventilator of a mine shall be installed on the surface at a distance of not less than ___ meters from the opening of the shaft or incline.

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6. When any alteration is made in the system of ventilation determination of % of inflammable gases in the air shall be made within ____ hours of such alteration.

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7. In every mine where a mechanical ventilator is in use, the quantity of air shall be measured once in ___ days.

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8. The inspection to be done to assess the atmospheric condition behind the stopping’s built to sealed off the area of old workings or such goaf or a fire or spontaneous heating once in Thirty days need not be done under the condition

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9. If a mine is stopped or discontinued for a period of ___ days or dewatered it should be inspected by competent person with suitable safety lamps and torches.

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10. If the dust concentration measured in any place in the mine approaches seventy five percent of the allowable concentration the periodicity of the dust sampling should be.

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11. To assess the atmospheric condition behind the stopping’s built to sealed off the area of old workings or such goaf or a fire or spontaneous heating, arrangements to ascertain the conditions behind the stopping are to be done once in.

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12. The weighted average concentration of airborne respirable dust in milligrams per cubic meter of air sampled in the case of Manganese shall not exceed.

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13. When a ventilation door or some other ventilation stopper is used, the space between the door and the walls + roof shall be filled with concrete wall not less than ---------------in thickness.

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14. Underground re-lighting stations are to be located in

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15. A place is considered to be having inflammable gas when the methane % is

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16. When any booster fan is installed the notice along with the survey details done are to be sent to Regional inspector ___ days before such installation.

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17. The gallery of working areas shall be white washed up to a distance of ___ meters from the gallery

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18. A place is to be considered to be having inflammable gas when

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19. Persons shall not be employed when the parting between the working and an overlying seam on fire where the thickness of hard rock parting is less than.

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20. If the measured dust concentration of any place shows excess fifty percent concentration of the allowable concentration the periodicity of the dust sampling shall be once in.

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21. In an underground dust sampling, distance at which the sampler shall be positioned on the return side of the point of dust generation is.

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22. During air sampling if any determination shows the percentage of inflammable gas more than 0.8% further determinations shall be made once in ___ until the value comes down below 0.8%, along with steps being taken for reduction of the %.

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23. In a second or third degree mine, where un-used workings that are not sealed off exist, the Regional inspector may require regular inspection once in __ days

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24. During increased % of inflammable gases the sampling that is done once in 24 hours shows the % of gas less than 0.8% it is sufficient to carry out the sampling once in ____

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25. Where the mine is indicative of dangerous levels of inflammables, the lights have to be illuminated from any external source. This lighting shall be limited up to a distance of

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26. When there is fire in a higher seam or any place where there is spontaneous heating, the minimum distance of safety to be maintained by not employing persons is

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27. The instrument that is used for collection of samples shall be calibrated on a date which is not earlier than ___ from the date of sampling

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28. During sampling if the percentage of inflammable gas exceeds ___ % the frequency of determinations shall be made every 24 hours.

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29. The weighted average concentration of airborne respirable dust in milligrams per cubic meter of air shall not exceed the value arrived by dividing ------ with the percentage of free respirable silica present.

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30. The samples are to be taken essentially at the

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31. The result of measurements of airborne dust and other relevant particulars shall be recorded within -------days of sampling

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32. Inspection of all stoppings erected to isolate or control a fire or spontaneous heating belowground shall be done once in at least in every

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33. Every safety lamp is to be thoroughly checked by a manager, assistant manager, underground manager or a competent person and the result be entered in the book once in ____.

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34. The dust sampling frequency is once in every --------------months.

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35. The travel of intake air shall be such,

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36. When a working or gallery is to be extended it shall be ensured that air is directed to the face from a distance of not less than ___ meters from the face.

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37. For every fiery seam or gassy seam of the second or third degree

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38. When a narrow advance gallery is to be driven in continuation to already existing main gallery, it shall not extend beyond __ meters ahead of main gallery.

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39. In a non-fiery seam or a first degree mine air measurements can be taken once in every -------

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40. The details of inspection with signature for every stopping that is made by competent person shall be maintained on the board for a period of not less than ---

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