Coal Mining Legislation

Coal Mining Legislation – 14

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Coal Mining Legislation

Coal Mining Legislation - 13

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1. Every bars meant for supporting the roadway roof shall be set on the sides of the roadway in holes of at least ------cm deep.

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2. Soda-acid type extinguishers or water shall not be used for fighting --------

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3. The lid used over a prop shall have a width not less than the -------

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4. Where development of underground is done without panel system, the following shall be implemented.

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5. The ratio of CO to O2 is to be tested for percentage of carbon monoxide once in at least.

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6. The surface structures and supports within a horizontal distance of -----from entrances to a mine shall be of incombustible

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7. An edge or a prominent crack or slip in the roof shall be supported with

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8. Adequate precautions are to be taken to prevent danger to persons from falling or rolling of timber, tools, others appliances or material when the inclination to horizontal of the workings exceeds.

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9. On a road where human agency carries load, at a gradient exceeding 150 steps are to be provided. The dimension of these steps in their height and width shall not exceed ____ respectively

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10. Footpath used for carrying loads by human agency shall be provided with suitable steps when the inclination exceeds

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11. The ratio of CO formed to the O2 absorbed is an indicator of

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12. Inflammable materials shall not be stored within a distance of ------from any entrance to a mine.

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13. Every stopping between the main intake and main return airways shall be --------or more in thickness to prevent short circuit leakage of air.

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14. Foam type extinguishers are best suitable for fighting

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15. Before the commencement of any operations underground the Manager shall submit Systematic Support Rules to the Regional Inspector within ___ days before starting.

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16. All unused workings connected to the surface which are not permanently closed, shall be checked for signs of illicit distillation of liquor by a competent person once in

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17. Where a prop is set on sand or, other loose material, a flat base-piece used shall have a thickness of minimum __ cm.

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18. Unless a safety belt of life line is used persons shall not be permitted to work in an inclination to horizontal exceeding.

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19. In supports setting the cogs shall not be less than ---------in length.

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20. The ratio of CO to O2 is to be tested and completely analyzed once in at least ------

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21. In any opencast mine fire shall not be lit within a distance of___.

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22. If the % of inflammable gas in general body of return air is higher, the manager shall inform the inspector within__ days provided he has taken precautions for the envisaged higher degree of gassiness.

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23. The lid used over a prop shall have a length not less than -------

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24. If it is not practicable to follow the additional precautions for the envisaged degree of increased gassiness, and on a request in writing by the owner, agent or manager, may defer the observance of the required precautions, subject to conditions, the regional inspector can differ such observance for a period not exceeding___

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25. On every idle day every depillaring district shall be inspected---------times

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26. If a Mine is worked without a continuous succession of shifts,

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27. Which of the following statement is true

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28. Different degrees of gassiness of the coal seams are decided by

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29. Graham’s ratio means----------------

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30. All unused workings which have not been sealed off shall be inspected once in every ---------

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31. The gassiness of the mine has to be checked for rate of emission of inflammable gas in cubic meters per ton of coal raised and the percentage of inflammable gas in the general body of air once in.

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32. Which of the following statement is correct

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33. All the fire fighting equipment, material and arrangements provided for fire-fighting shall be inspected once in.

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34. While withdrawing the supports in a sequence,

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35. Where a prop is set on sand or, other loose material, a flat base-piece used shall have a width of minimum __ cm.

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36. On receipt of information on increased degree of gassiness where Manager has taken precautions for the envisaged higher degree of gassiness, the Regional Inspector shall inspect to confirm the degree of gassiness within.

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37. The lid used over a prop shall have a thickness not less than ----------

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38. Where a prop is set on sand or, other loose material, a flat base-piece used shall have a length of minimum __ cm.

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39. Size of a panel is to be determined due consideration shall be given to

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40. When it is not practicable to dress overhangs of the face stay props shall be erected at intervals of

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