Coal Mining Legislation

Coal Mining Legislation – 13

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Coal Mining Legislation

Coal Mining Legislation - 15

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1. Every stopping between the main intake and main return airways constructed with certain thickness is for.

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2. On every haulage tramming or conveyor roadway which is not naturally wet throughout the samples shall be collected at intervals not more than ____ from each sampling point.

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3. If it is intended to flood the mine or a part of it, a notice is to be given ___ days before to the regional inspector.

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4. Every zone formed as aforesaid shall be divided into three equal sections, each not exceeding ------in length.

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5. If the exhausted air belowground which contains dust in excess of the ‘permissible limit’ is to be re-circulated, it shall be efficiently diluted to ___% below the ‘permissible limit’ before recirculation.

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6. The explosive van has two fire extinguishers one of which is CCl4 and another CO2. They are respectively used for ___ types of fires

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7. The priming cartridge can be carried into a shaft in the course of being sunk by ____

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8. The explosive van shall have -------fire extinguishers

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9. When a water logged area is likely to be approached, the gallery height or width of any working shall not exceed ----- and there shall be maintained at least one bore-hole near the center of the working face.

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10. The protective measures maintained to prevent danger from surface water are to be inspected by the Mines Manager once in at least ___.

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11. Every vehicle used for the transport of explosives is inspected once in ------------

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12. The air-duct used for auxiliary fan shall be so placed at a distance of ___ meters from face, such that it supplies sufficient air to the face or blind end.

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13. The material used for dusting shall be a mixture containing not less than

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14. The following explosives shall not be used in underground mines

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15. The incombustible dust shall not contain free silica more than---------%

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16. The Mines Manager shall countersign the sampling results entered in the register within

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17. If after giving notice for intentional flooding 14 days before and if the flooding operations do ot take place within ___ days the notice shall be deemed to have lapsed and permission has to be taken again as if no such notice had been given.

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18. In the case of an imported safety lamp, a part manufactured indigenously may be used if it is suitable and is approved by the --------------------

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19. When a fan other than an auxiliary fan is installed belowground in the area of coal or other carbonaceous material, the distance along the sides, roof and floor that shall be covered with masonry or other adequate protection against fire is ___ meters from fan.

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20. The scale for the dust plan for an underground mine shall be not less than -------

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21. A competent person shall, once at least in every____ days examine every airway.

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22. A mining mate underground shall not perform duties of shot-firer if the number of persons working under him is more than____.

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23. The need of auxiliary fans driven electrically or otherwise to be earthed is due to

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24. Explosives shall not be stored below ground in a mine except with the approval in writing of -----------

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25. The walls of every air-crossing shall not be less than ____ cm in thickness if constructed with reinforced masonry or concrete.

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26. If the wires of any gauge of a flame safety lamp are broken or burnt away,

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27. The distance beyond which any working shall not be extended from any other working of the same mine or adjacent mine, if it is found to have water, or may have water and is not physically inspected for not having water, is

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28. For a water logged area the bore holes drilled in the sides, above, and below the working to shall be drilled with intervals of not more than ----------

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29. Filter unit of exhausted air shall be inspected once in at least ____

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30. Explosives to the site can be transported to the site as under.

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31. Maximum weight of explosive that a person can have in his possession in one case or container is----kg.

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32. The number of auxiliary fans permitted in a single split permitted are.

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33. Auxiliary fans driven with compressed air

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34. Wetting with water shall be done along with fine incombustible dust, in such a manner to ensure that the moisture in the mixture is not less than ----------------- by weight any time

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35. Any heap of dust or any other fine material that may rise in the air shall not be kept within ____ meters of down cast shaft.

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36. Steel cases and containers for carrying explosives are.

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37. The vehicle transporting explosives cannot be driven at a speed more than-------KMPH

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38. The samples shall be collected to measure dust in every return airway as lies within -------------meters of the last working face.

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39. Filter unit of the exhausted air and every dust respirator shall be thoroughly examined and tested at least once in ------Months

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40. The walls of every air-crossing shall not be less than ___ cm in thickness if constructed with non-reinforced masonry or concrete.

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