Coal Mining Legislation

Coal Mining Legislation – 12

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Coal Mining Legislation

Coal Mining Legislation - 12

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1. When there is danger of any subsidence taking place due to underground excavations a fencing is to be erected under the following condition.

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2. While stowing is practiced the details of sand used and coal extracted shall be furnished to Regional Inspector during—day of every month.

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3. When it is proposed to operate the coal seam in a method other than Board and Pillar, information is to be submitted to the Regional Inspector in

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4. The stations for the persons to stay before shift starting shall be located at

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5. When the width of gallery is 4.8 meters, and depth is > 360 meters, the pillar to pillar distance shall not be less than

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6. The contraventions pointed out during inspection shall be displayed ___ days of the entry in to the form.

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7. On every conveyor exceeding --------- there shall be signaling arrangement.

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8. When the width of gallery is 4.8 meters, and at a depth is 240-360 meters, the pillar to pillar distance shall not be less than

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9. The contraventions pointed out by the Regional inspector are recorded in

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10. When the width of gallery is 4.2 meters, and at a depth is 240-360 meters, the pillar to pillar distance shall not be less than

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11. The distance between centers of adjacent pillars shall not be less than---where the width of the galleries is 3.6 meters and depth 240 to 360.0 meters.

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12. The anchoring of the return station of the conveyor should be tied to

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13. Every haulage engine, brake-wheel, rope and other appliance shall be examined once in every-----------

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14. When the width of gallery is 4.2 meters, and at a depth is 60-90 meters, the pillar to pillar distance shall not be less than

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15. Fencing has to be formed around an excavation when the distance of any mining operations extends within a distance of-------meters from a public road or any building.

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16. The footpath shall not be less than ___ meters in its width.

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17. The space between the conveyor and one side of the roadway shall not be less than -----wide.

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18. The remedial measures taken to remove contravention of observations by Regional inspector of Chief inspector shall be intimated by the owner, agent or manager of the mine within a period not exceeding ____ from the date of the entry.

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19. While carrying load along a footpath by human agency, its breadth of such footpath shall not be less than

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20. When the width of gallery is 4.2 meters, and at a depth is 150-240 meters, the pillar to pillar distance shall not be less than

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21. When the width of gallery is 4.2 meters, and at a depth of less than 60 meters, the pillar to pillar distance shall not be less than

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22. When the width of gallery is 4.8 meters, and at a depth is < 60 meters, the pillar to pillar distance shall not be less than

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23. When there are two or more seams working one above the other the pillars in both of them shall be as far as possible one above other. This is to be followed unless the strata are inclined at an angle of more than ------to the horizontal.

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24. When the width of gallery is 4.8 meters, and at a depth is 90-150 meters, the pillar to pillar distance shall not be less than

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25. The tracks in the gravity haulage system and its safety fittings are to be inspected once at least in every ---days.

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26. Shafts or galleries driven to lead directly into a working places or travelling roadways can be source of danger from falling objects from top to bottom. The area around the dip side of such gallery has to be fenced if the inclination to horizontal exceeds.

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27. If there are two seams one above another workings shall not be made in both of them at the same time if the distance between them is ___ meters

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28. Persons shall not carry load along a road or footpath having an inclination to horizontal more than.

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29. The register of contraventions shall be kept available for inspection in the office of the mine for a period of at least --------years after the date of making of the last entry in it.

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30. Strong guard rails, fence or rope is to be provided along the foot path to prevent persons to fall, when the likely fall is more than ___ meters.

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31. The number of inspections to be done by the Sirdar during working in respect of all road ways where persons are likely to travel is

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32. When the width of gallery is 4.8 meters, and at a depth is 150-240 meters, the pillar to pillar distance shall not be less than

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33. When the workings are simultaneously done one above another, the minimum parting left between two seams or section shall not be less than ____meters in any place

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34. When the width of gallery is 4.2 meters, and at a depth is 90-150 meters, the pillar to pillar distance shall not be less than

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35. When the width of gallery is 4.8 meters, and at a depth is 60 to 90 meters, the pillar to pillar distance shall not be less than

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36. When the workings are approaching railway line, extraction or reduction of pillars shall not be conducted within ___ distance.

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37. When the width of gallery is 4.2 meters, and at a depth is > 360 meters, the pillar to pillar distance shall not be less than

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38. The distance between centers of adjacent pillars shall not be less than-------where the width of the galleries does not exceed 3.6 meters and depth more than 360.0 meters.

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39. The Sirdar of the district shall inspect the workings (If required along with his assistants if any) __ hours before the starting of the work

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40. The contraventions pointed out during inspection of Regional inspector are to be placed on the notice board for a minimum period of

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