Home/Volume-1/Boring and Drilling Volume-1 Boring and Drilling Admin02/08/20242 71 Less than a minute Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 0% Boring Boring and Drilling 1 / 21 1. The drilling rods are made of? cast iron steel Ni-cr cast steel 2 / 21 2. The percussive drilling is applicable up to max depth of ....m? 200 300 500 700 3 / 21 3. Manual drilling is possible up to max depth of.....m? 15 30 45 60 4 / 21 4. Bentonite chemical is used for? sealing cracks preparing mud flush surveying borehole deviation none of the above 5 / 21 5. The sludge or cuttings in the borehole are removed with the help of? core barrel sludger retaining key bulldog 6 / 21 6. In percussive drilling the rock is broken by following action? crushing chipping both none of above 7 / 21 7. Which is used for raising and lowering the rods of square section? Bulldog sludger retaining key none of the above 8 / 21 8. Single tube core barrel is suitable for recovering core from rocks of? soft friable homogeneous hard 9 / 21 9. The operation of tracing the broken and lost parts in the hole and withdrawing them to the surface is known as...? lining the borehole drilling borehole survey fishing the borehole 10 / 21 10. The core (dia in mm) size obtained with NX size? 21 28 40 54 11 / 21 11. What is the purpose of lining the borehole? to prevent caving of sides to prevent water percolation to ease drilling operation none of the above 12 / 21 12. The improved technique of removal of core during drilling without raising the drill rods? Double tube core barrel X-ray drilling wireline drilling side coring 13 / 21 13. Bore hole deviation is .....deg for 30m? 1 2 3 4 14 / 21 14. The feed mechanism is not necessary beyond the depth of....m? 30 40 50 60 15 / 21 15. Double tube core barrel is suitable for rocks of? hard homogeneous soft and friable none of the above 16 / 21 16. The device used to catch broken rods under a joint in the borehole? crow's foot or spiral worm sludger screw feed bulldog 17 / 21 17. Diamond drilling is applicable up to a max depth of .....m? 500 1000 3000 5000 18 / 21 18. In etch method which acid is used to measure borehole deviation? sulfuric acid hydrochloric acid nitric acid hydrofluoric acid 19 / 21 19. Which is used for raising and lowering the rods of circular section? Bulldog sludger core barrel retaining key 20 / 21 20. Bore hole survey means..? Measurement of deviation Measurement of depth Measurement of time taken None of the above 21 / 21 21. Controlling the course of a borehole so as to follow predetermined path is...? Deviation of borehole wireline drilling control drilling directional drilling Your score is The average score is 77% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Admin02/08/20242 71 Less than a minute
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